The Universe and Pain

Dikachi Idika
4 min readNov 3, 2020

Pain happens for us.

photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

Some people believe in God, others believe in the Universe and there is another set that believes in the Almighty. To me, He is the same because I know that He does exist. I call Him Jehovah, He has always been God to me. I grew up learning about him and I kept on seeing and knowing Him through the lens of others. I learnt that He answers prayers; always looks out for us, He is always present, He expects us to be better people. Then as I began to grow, some events took place that shook me because why and how could they happen to me if God was all this and more. I have always been to church, I was born a Christian, I was so conscious of my actions and did my very best to be the good daughter, the good sister, the good friend, a good human. I did everything that was expected of me. In my mind, if He cares for me and I do all the right things as I am told then I won't get to experience certain things. Like there were certain people that bad things or things I considered bad can happen to because ooh well, if they knew this more or if they did this better or if they loved and trusted God deeper then life would be smoother and simpler and everything will be jolly.

Then life happened to me and I questioned the one I so claimed to have trusted so much. I just could not understand how in this world He would sit back and watch His precious perfect jewel to be hurt. I thought I might have committed one big sin unknowingly that stopped Him from loving me at that moment. Someone reading this will say, if you thought you were such a Christian then you should have known the story of Job in the bible. Yes, I knew the story but then Job was all about bragging rights to Him, so I thought. I could not see how all I was going through and all the pain was meant to do anyone any good. Looking back at those moments, I now know that He certainly always knows what He is doing. I know pains are different and what might seem so hard to one would be nothing to another but I know that with people that have gone through pain there are a few things they always acquire at the end of the journey;

  1. Relatability: They get to sympathize with the next person they meet going through that same pain. If you have ever judged someone before because you were never in that situation, and later in life, you find yourself in that same situation. You definitely won't blame the next person you meet. Now you have something in common with someone else, even if it might just be a pain.
  2. Lessons: No matter how that experience did hurt you, there is always something you can get out of the situation at the end of the day. You get the opportunity to teach someone and you have the knowledge to pass onto another person.
  3. You are more humane: No matter how mean and evil you are, having one not so pleasant thing happen to you leaves at least 1 % of humanity in you. To me, every % of humanity contributes to make the world a better place. Pain brings out humanity and allows us to be vulnerable even its for a few times.

Now a little grown both biologically and with my Maker, after shedding so many tears and picking myself a million times up, I can say that there is always a reason for everything even though it might not feel like it at the moment. I am not saying that it gets easy, neither am I saying that when life happens now I jump for joy because well I have grown in Him. All I am saying is that even while sitting in that pain and crying so much now more than ever it is a lot easier than it used to be because I know He is with me in that pain. So when next you are having a bad day or going through the worst moment of your life, remember there is light at the end of the tunnel and at the end of it, you will be a better person.

